Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica

Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121, Bloco 3N - Bairro Santa Mônica, Uberlândia-MG, CEP 38400-902
Telefone: (34) 3239-4701/4702 - www.feelt.ufu.br - feelt@ufu.br


Plano de Ensino


Componente Curricular:


Unidade Ofertante:








Carga Horária:









( )






2020/2 (ano 2021/2)


Disciplina com 25 horas de atividades síncronas e 20 horas de atividades assíncronas.



Cloud Concepts Overview; AWS Global Infrastructure Overview; AWS Cloud Security; Networking and Content Delivery; Compute Services Overview; Storage; Databases; Cloud Architecture; Auto Scaling and Monitoring; Caching contente; Microservices and Serverless Architecture; Planning for disaster.


Cloud computing has emerged as one of the hottest topics in the world of Information Technology. Organizations large and small are moving their applications and infrastructure over to the cloud. New cloud service models are coming on the scene constantly and cloud service providers are racing to provide customers with new features and services to help them tackle their toughest issues.  AWS collection of services remains the clear industry leader in the cloud computing market.


Objetivo Geral:

The course is designed to teach solutions architects how to optimize the use of the AWS Cloud by understanding AWS services and how these services fit into cloud-based solutions.

Objetivos Específicos:

- Because architectural solutions can differ depending on industry, type of applications, and size of business, this course emphasizes best practices for the AWS Cloud, and it recommends various design patterns to help you think through the process of architecting optimal IT solutions on AWS. It also presents case studies throughout the course, which showcase how some AWS customers have designed their infrastructures, and the strategies and services that they implemented. Finally, this course also provides opportunities to build a variety of infrastructures via a guided, hands-on approach.

- Be global.


Module 1 - Introducing Cloud Architecting
● Introducing Cloud Architecting
● The AWS Well Architected Framework
● Best Practices for Building Solutions on AWS
● AWS Global Infrastructure
Module 2 - Adding a Storage Layer
● Adding a Storage Layer
● Using Amazon S3
● Hosting a Static Website
● Storing Data in Amazon S3
● Moving Data to and from Amazon S3
● Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration
● Choosing Regions for your Architecture
Module 3 - Adding a Compute Layer
● Adding a Compute Layer
● Adding Compute with Amazon EC2
● Choosing an AMI to Launch an EC2 Instance
● Using User Data to Configure an EC2 Instance
● Adding Storage to an Amazon EC2 Instance
● Introducing Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS)
● Amazon EC2 Pricing Options
● Reviewing the Spot Instance History Page
● Amazon EC2 Considerations
● Creating a Dynamic Website for the Cafe
Module 4 - Adding a Database Layer
● Adding a Database Layer
● Amazon RDS
● RDS Automated Backup and Read Replicas
● Amazon DynamoDB
● Database Security Controls
● Database Security Controls
● Migrating Data into AWS Databases
● Migrating a Database to Amazon RDS
Module 5 - Creating a Networking Environment
● Creating a Networking Environment
● Creating an AWS Networking Environment
● Connecting your AWS Networking Environment to the Internet
● Creating a VPC Using the AWS Console
● Creating a VPC Using the AWS CLI
● Securing your AWS Networking Environment
● Creating a Virtual Private Cloud
● Creating a VPC Networking Environment for the Cafe
Module 6 - Connecting Networks
● Connecting Networks
● Connecting to your Remote Network with AWS Site-to-Site VPN
● Connecting to your Remote Network with AWS Direct Connect
● Connecting VPCs in AWS with VPC Peering
● Creating a VPC Peering Connection
● Scaling your VPC Network with AWS Transit Gateway
● Connecting your VPC to Supported AWS Services
Module 7 - Securing User and Application Access
● Securing User and Application Access
● Account Users and IAM
● Federating Users
● Demo EC2 Instance Profile
● Controlling AWS Account Access by Using IAM
Module 8 - Implementing Elasticity, High Availability, and Monitoring
● Implementing Elasticity, High Availability, and Monitoring
● Scaling your Compute Resources
● Creating Scaling Policies for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling
● Scaling your Databases
● Designing an Environment that's Highly Available
● Creating a Highly Available Web Application
● Amazon Route53
● Creating a Highly Available Environment
● Creating a Scalable and Highly Available Environment for the Café
Module 9 - Automating Your Architecture
● Automating Your Architecture
● Analyzing AWS CloudFormation Template Structure
● Analyzing AWS CloudFormation Template Structure
● Automating Infrastructure Deployment with AWS CloudFormation
● Automating Deployments
● AWS Elastic Beanstalk
● Automating Infrastructure Deployment
Module 10 - Caching Content
● Caching Content
● Edge Caching
● Streaming Dynamic Content using Amazon CloudFront
● Caching Web Sessions
● Caching Databases
Module 11 - Building Decoupled Architectures
● Building Decoupled Architectures
● Decoupling Your Architecture
● Decoupling with Amazon SQS
● Decoupling with Amazon SNS
● Sending Messages Between Cloud Applications and On-Premises with Amazon MQ
Module 12 - Building Microservices and Serverless Architectures
● Building Microservices and Serverless Architectures
● Introducing Microservices
● Building Microservice Applications with AWS Container Services
● Introducing Serverless Architectures
● Building Serverless Architectures with AWS Lambda
● Creating an AWS Lambda Function
● Using AWS Lambda with Amazon S3
● Implementing a Serverless Architecture with AWS Lambda
● Extending Serverless Architectures with Amazon API Gateway
● Orchestrating Microservices with AWS Step Functions
● Implementing a Serverless Architecture for the Cafe
Module 13 - Planning for Disaster
● Planning for Disaster
● Disaster Planning Strategies
● Disaster Recovery Patterns
● Hybrid Storage and Data Migration with AWS Storage Gateway File Gateway



Técnicas de ensino que serão utilizadas: Aulas expositivas (síncronas - 25 horas) , vídeos expositivos e estudos dirigidos (assíncronos 20 horas - sendo 15 horas práticas).

Recursos didáticos: Software Microsoft Teams para aulas expositivas, Vídeos temáticos e Estudos dirigidos orientados.

Horário de Atendimento aos estudantes:

Segunda-feira 11:00 - 12:00 (Software Microsoft Teams)

Cronograma previsto para desenvolvimento do conteúdo:

Module 1 - Introducing Cloud Architecting (week 2)
Module 2 - Adding a Storage Layer (week 3)
Module 3 - Adding a Compute Layer (week 4)
Module 4 - Adding a Database Layer (week 5)
Module 5 - Creating a Networking Environment (week 6)
Module 6 - Connecting Networks (week 7)
Module 7 - Securing User and Application Access (week 8)
Module 8 - Implementing Elasticity, High Availability, and Monitoring (week 9)
Module 9 - Automating Your Architecture (weeks 10 and 11 )
Module 10 - Caching Content (week 12)
Module 11 - Building Decoupled Architectures (week 13)
Module 12 - Building Microservices and Serverless Architectures (week 14)
Module 13 - Planning for Disaster (week 15)


As avaliações serão constituídas de 10 (dez) trabalhos, cada oito deles com valor de 10 (dez) pontos, que serão realizados nas seguintes datas correspondentes às semanas:



1. BAUER, Eric. Reliability and availability of cloud computing. Hoboken: Wiley-IEEE Press, 2012. 1 ebook.
2. BUYYA, Rajkumar; BROBERG, James; GOSCINSKI; Andrzej (Ed.). Cloud computing: principles and paradigms. Hoboken: J. Wiley, c2011.
3. SOSINSKY, Barrie A. Cloud computing bible. Indianapolis: J. Wiley, c2011.


1. BAUER, Eric. Service quality of cloud-based applications. Hoboken: Wiley: IEEE Computer Society, c2014. 1 ebook.
2. ROSENBERG, Jonathan B. The cloud at your service: the when, how, and why of enterprise cloud computing. Greenwich: Manning, c2011.
3. NEW network architectures: the path to the future Internet. Berlin: Springer, c2010.
4. FOWLER, Susan J. Microsserviços prontos para a produção. 1. ed. Editora Novatec.
5. LECHETA, Ricardo R. AWS para desenvolvedores. Editora Novatec, 1ª edição. ISBN 978-8575223932. 2014.


Aprovado em reunião do Colegiado realizada em: ____/____/______

Coordenação do Curso de Graduação: _________________________



Documento assinado eletronicamente por Marcio José da Cunha, Professor(a) do Magistério Superior, em 15/07/2021, às 11:01, conforme horário oficial de Brasília, com fundamento no art. 6º, § 1º, do Decreto nº 8.539, de 8 de outubro de 2015.


Documento assinado eletronicamente por Marcelo Rodrigues de Sousa, Professor(a) do Magistério Superior, em 15/07/2021, às 11:09, conforme horário oficial de Brasília, com fundamento no art. 6º, § 1º, do Decreto nº 8.539, de 8 de outubro de 2015.

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